- Painter, artsjobs
- Census Collector (again)
I put loads of effort into this painter application, but the problem is, I don't have any good examples of my paintings, I'm so stupid. I never take pictures of them. All of my paintings from A-level got "lost" by my sixth form :( and my others have been lost or damaged at my mum's house. I don't even have a decent camera to take pictures of my work with. I really need to sort this out if I want to be an artist, I know. I plan on doing some more paintings soon, once I've moved into my flat and sorted out my studio properly.
Response: I had a telephone interview for the census collector job. It went terribly. I messed up by losing my ability to speak, I couldn't get out the word "approachable" and said things like "approachment"... Then I was put off, so my answers were short, but they only asked a few questions (I thought they would ask more so didn't say enough!) And then I read out an answer I had prepared, and it was so obvious. She said "I've recorded your answers and I'll pass them on..." I don't think I'll be getting it. I got really down and upset at myself today because it was technically easy and I still messed it up because of nerves. I knew that I could do the job and had the experience, but I didn't sell myself enough.